How did Noah know DIETARY LAW before Moses

How did Noah know what Yahweh’s Dietary Law was and it wasn’t presented to the people until Moses went to Mt. Sinai which happened after Yahweh flooded the earth.  We must look into the scriptures to find our answer.  If all scripture is breathed by Elohim and some scripture was actually written by HIM, then it isn’t hard to understand.  Some believe Moses transplanted his knowledge system of Judaism into the scriptures and that it was a “cultural” thing that had to due with which foods caused illnesses.  If we look at the scriptures, Noah knew that Yahweh considered animals either clean or unclean.  Moses told us in Genesis 7:2-3 how many of each clean and unclean animal to take on the Ark.  We have others studies on this subject that you should check out sometime.  Quick tid bit:  The Rainbow is a covenant sign with Noah in which Yahweh promised to never flood the earth again…

“Always Learning”
Biblical Truth

3 thoughts on “How did Noah know DIETARY LAW before Moses

  1. ValerIe Sheafe

    This study helped me understand & it explains to me the difference of the seven animals versus two animals being Brought into the ark.

  2. Ernie Rodemaker

    God specifies 7 commandments and yet the law of eating clean and unclean is implied? Don’t twist the Scriptures to suit your wrong interpretation.

  3. Biblical Truth Post author

    Those are what are considered the Noahide Laws. We are specifically talking about when Mosheh wrote he wrote that Noah took clean and unclean animals onto the Ark.

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