Category Archives: Misc

A thought about THE LAW (Torah)

THE LAW!!! If the Torah (Law) has been done away with why does HE tell us to follow his commands and precepts set in place since the beginning of the Bible?In today’s terms if our local municipal law enforcement caught us doing something wrong they can lock us up in a jail cell. Technically breaking any part of the local laws is considered wrong. If we were in jail and the Sheriff came to t…alk to us, we would no longer be subject to the Law as the Sheriff could decide our fate. HE could “set us free”. Does this mean the Sheriff would let us out of jail and say “I am setting you free and I don’t care if you keep on disobeying the law“? By no means could that EVER happen. If the Sheriff set us free and then caught us disobeying the law he would lock us up again.

Yeshua (Jesus) is the Sheriff and HE has set us free from being condemned by the Torah (Law). Just as the Sheriff would expect us to follow the local laws, Yeshua (Jesus) expects us to follow Torah since the moment HE “freed us” by dying for us. The difference is we have the ability to repent for breaking HIS law. This does not mean we are free to quit following the Torah (Law). HE set those precepts in place to help lead us to living a “clean” life and be an example to others. We are often taught through mis-interpretations of Paul’s writtings that the (Torah) Law is gone. Remember this verse:

Romans 3:31 Do we then nullify the Torah through the belief (In Yeshua)? Let it not be! On the contrary, we establish the (Torah) Law.

Quick tid bit: the Word Law comes from the Greek word NOMOS. Technically the word Torah does not mean Law but we have been misled by the Greeks into believeing it does. The word Torah (1st Five books of the Old Testament) means INSTRUCTIONS. In the very expressive HEBREW language it is an term in archery that the archer aims for. In English that would be the BULLSEYE. SO let’s restate that.

Torah = Instructions = The mark we should aim for!!!!

“Always Learning”
Biblical Truth

Our thoughts are with those of Newtown, Connecticut

Here at Biblical Truth we do not watch the news.  Our family has come to the conclusion it is quite horrifying.  With the recent events in Connecticut we have seen some things on television about the tragedy.  We first would like everyone to know that Yahweh IS with us.  HE hasn’t left us.  How do we know that you might ask!  We know that because once you have the Ruach HaKodesh inside you will continue to be led towards The Light (John 8:12).  What the people experienced in Newtown, CT was pure evil.  This kind of evil exists everywhere.  Evil is at our very doorstep trying to get in our homes and break up marriages.  Evil is at our very doorstep trying to make us stray from HIS commands and precepts.  Evil is all throughout the world spurning wars and creating hostility between all nations (Matthew 24:6-8).  Evil will never go away until Yeshua comes to claim us.  If you shut out the evil it will move along to the next person until somebody allows that evil to enter them.  Those are the people we, as Christians, must pray for, find, and preach the Gospel to.  Those that allow the evil in are also victims.  They have just succumbed to the thought that life without rules, laws, or consequences is a better life.  They have succumbed to the very persuasive Adversary.  The demons inside of them make them sick and there is only one that can heal us when the demons have entered into us (Matthew 8:31-32).  We have to realize that these demons come in many forms.  Some demons manifest themselves as addictions.  Some demons that make us think there is no Elohim.  Then there are other demons that convince people to be violent and end the lives of Yahweh’s creation (Genesis 1:27).  While every single fiber of us wants to hate the person that did this to those people, the Ruach HaKodesh has spoken to us and wants us to realize that evil triumphed inside the shooter and that evil will try to find it’s way into our lives.  It is a constant battle and we must study the scriptures to learn how to avoid it infiltrating us. It lurks around every corner we turn and every path we take.  If we stay true to the path of Yeshua we will be rewarded (Psalm 119:1).

In this world there is no way anyone can prevent everything from happening at all times.  The preemptive strike needed would be to lead our entire nation to Yahweh and let the Ruach HaKodesh fill their lives with The Light.  We have to figure out a better way to get our Elohim‘s message out there.  We are the only religion in the United States that is becoming taboo to talk about.  If you look around our country Christianity is being attacked.  It isn’t okay to try to demand Muslims, Hindus, or Buddhist don’t express there god or belief system but it is becoming normal to tell Christians we must not talk or express anything about our Elohim.  We are not unified as a religion.  That is one reason we started this website.  We want to spread the TRUTH without the man made traditions that are being taught. Our job as believers is to try to spread the Gospel to all so everyone becomes a believer.  When that happens there will one day be peace on earth (Matthew 24:14).  Yeshua will return and HE will avenge the death of every single adult and child that died a few days ago (John 5:28-29).  We weren’t involved in the senseless massacre but we haven’t stopped crying for 3 days.  We have just prayed.  We can’t even imagine what those affected are going through and this includes the families and the first responders that had to see and clean up the aftermath of this horrific event.  We all hope that our Elohim will find those broken spirits and insert HIS Ruach HaKodesh into them.  There is no better gift in this world than to be given HIS Set Apart Spirit to lead us.  Our hearts are heavy for those involved.  Bo Yeshua (comes Yeshua) and heal the wounded in Faith.

“Always Learning”
Biblical Truth

Everybody else does it, so its okay!!!

Acts 17:11 Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.

If you ever wondered what this verse is talking about, it has to do with the Jews of Berea or better taught as the Bereans. They basically just made sure that the things being taught coincided with the sacred text and not that of man’s tradition.  If the teaching was incorrect they would correct the teaching while making sure all that heard the incorrect teaching knew the TRUTH.


We got asked today about a certain topic in the Bible. We were hesitant at first to give the answer, as we knew that answer would not be taken with an open mind. It was a question that is often asked and the response to our answer is the same from most Christians we talk to; disbelief at first. We had to take a moment to realize that it isn’t about us; it’s about HIM so we continued to give a Biblical answer knowing the answer would not be readily accepted.  We are to “plant the seeds” and let HIM make them grow (1 Corinthians 3:7).  We can’t just be silent when somebody comes to us for knowledge, even if their response will not be what we want. The person asking the question already had the answer they wanted and wanted us to agree with their belief. The question asked then worked its way around to four other people that were in ear shot and they also wanted hear our explanation. In reality it is much easier for us to avoid telling what we know and save ourselves the persecution from the one asking the question. The problem is that we won’t just agree with people to avoid confrontation. Our answers often go against the teachings of man that are frequently adopted as Biblical by many Christians.  We don’t avoid topics to save ourselves persecution. We have a duty and that duty is to be Truthful when we are asked about things that have to do with the Bible. We have learned over the last couple of years to abstain from arguing over Biblical topics. We simply put the information out there and let people decide what they will do with that information.  We are supposed to be planting seeds not trying to grow them.  Again, we are told that only ONE can grow them (1 Corinthians 3:7). We avoid arguments and just put the information out to be absorbed. Some absorb it, some don’t, and some want to demand their man centered tradition is Biblical.  As Mark stated not everybody wants to hear and not everybody wants to see (Mark 8:18).  In fact Jeremiah warned us about this problem long ago (Jeremiah 5:21).

All we know is that Matthew told us we would be hated by all for his name’s sake (Matthew 10:22). John tells us to know the Truth and it will set you free (John 8:32). There are often times when the Truth is something that makes us have to change things that we thought were okay. There are often times the Truth makes you second guess man’s plan and realize Yahweh’s plan was different. We are here to spread the Truth. If the Truth goes against what we were taught, then we were taught man’s way and not HIS way. John says that the world will hate the Truth tellers because they are not of the world but in the world (John 15:18-21). Luke also tells us that we will be hated (Luke 6:22)! In reality we aren’t really that persecuted at all.  Here at Biblical Truth we live in the United States and are free to study, practice, and preach the Gospel.  Try living in China where owning a Bible is illegal and that act of preaching the Gospel will get you killed!!! That is true PERSECUTION.  To know that you may die for the cause yet still walk steadfast in TRUTH must be incredibly hard.  We know that people making fun of us for what we do is persecution but it is minute compared to other places in the world.  We take the “jabs” and keep moving along in our Faith.

After giving our answer to the topic we were asked “how could billions of people be doing it one way and that way is incorrect?”  We will tell you this. We all fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), so just because it is done one way for centuries doesn’t mean it is the right way. Man’s tradition has molded society to stray from HIS precepts.  Only HIS way is the right way. If we see that “everybody” is doing something it usually throws up a red flag to us and then we research it.  Look at it this way.  In the end times we are told that the “whole world” will follow after the beast (Revelation 13:3).  So in the end if “everybody” else is doing it, does it make it right to do?  The answer is simple; NO!!!  There will be plenty of people persecuting those that don’t follow after the beast and guess who will be right?  The ones not doing what everybody else is doing will be correct because the ones doing it go against HIS perfect WORD.  We are supposed to be a separate people amongst the many (Leviticus 20:26) (2 Corinthians 6:17).  We submit to you that if you question something, look it up in the Bible and see what Yahweh thinks about it.  The Bible is where you will find the true answer.  If your local Church teaches you something that is not Biblical then you should correct the teaching.  If your pastor says something is okay that Yahweh says isn’t, you should correct the teaching.  We can’t keep going along in life doing things in man’s way.  We can’t go along in life and allow HIS message to be changed.  All we can hope is that the information we gather and put on this website can help lead us and others closer to Yeshua.  We do this for everyone including our children.  Hopefully when we are long gone in our resting place, our children will pick up where we left off and continue this site.  Hopefully they will then pass it to their children.

“Always Learning”
Biblical Truth

What does Deuteronomy Mean???

Here’s a fact that not many people know or even thought to look up. The book of Devarim in the Old Testament derived its name from two separate Greek words. Deutero (2nd in Greek) and Nomos (Law in Greek). The Hebrew word Devarim is what Deuteronomy was truly called and in Hebrew it means (these are the words) but got incorrectly translated to mean 2nd Law.

Does this mean Yahweh gave us a 2nd Law to follow? Nope, it means HE reiterated the Law they already new. What Law did they know? The Law given to them that was already in affect long before Mosheh gave them to the people. Noah knew laws, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew the Law..etc…..

Deuteronomy was the book Mosheh wrote while he was dying. Sort of like a dying father, telling his children his last words. Mosheh did not get to go into the promised land. Could you imagine that he literally saved Yahweh’s chosen people from bondage, led them out of Egypt, put them in front of the entrance to the promised land and when he got there he had to sit back and realize he wasn’t going any further?

Deuteronomy is Mosheh appealing to his people with heart felt conviction in hope that they would follow all of Yahweh’s commands given to them. That is why Mosheh lists the 10 commandments again. The “basics” if you will.  Mosheh never once says there are only 10 commandments and he never said we only have to follow 10 commandments. The Israelites already knew ALL OF THE COMMANDS. They were given the commands in Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus, and a few in Numbers… They received them from Mosheh because he was the intermediary the Israelites requested as the Israelites were afraid to talk to Yahweh directly. Mosheh knew during his dying days that the future of the Nation of Israel, called the children, rested on their acceptance of Yahweh’s Law given to him.  Mosheh knew the Israelites had to hear the message one more time in shortened form as he was running out of time to teach.  They just spent 40 years in the desert while Mosheh tried to convince them of Yahweh’s promise.  At this point it was imperative that Mosheh spent his dying days giving Yahweh’s promise to the people one more time.

“Always Learning”
Biblical Truth