Category Archives: Scripture Study

1 Samuel 15:20

Well we found another eye opener. We have to explain one thing first. The sacrificial system was done away with through Yeshua (Jesus). Actually though through HIM the sacrificial system is still in place. WE still have sin, need blood to atone for them, and an altar. When we sin we have to come before the altar (pray) with a blood offering (Jesus) and ask for forgiveness (repent).   Now onto to …what we found. Many, many are taught to throw away the Old Testament commands. By this theology we are taught we don’t have to obey ALL the commands just some of them. Well look at what Yahweh (God) says through HIS prophet Samuel about obeying HIS commands; ALL OF THEM.

1 Samuel 15:22 “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices   as much as in obeying the Lord?   To obey is better than sacrifice,   and to heed is better than the fat of rams.   23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination,   and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.   Because you have rejected the word of the Lord,   he has rejected you as king.”

Shown to us again here:   Hosea 6:6 For I desire mercy, not sacrifice,   and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings

And again here:   Matthew 9:13 Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Yahweh (God) tells us through Samuel he demands we OBEY HIM. It is better than anything we can do. Take a minute to think deeply about that. Are we obeying HIS commands in mainstream Christianity? By obeying HIS commands we show the most important thing we can and that is FAITH. Through Faith we are compelled to obey.

“Always Learning”   Biblical Truth

John 14:15 IF you love ME you will keep MY commands

John 13:34 New Command

Many teach that this next command is something new.

John 13: 34 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”

Does anybody truly believe that loving each other and having Faith is a new concept?  Well we took a look into the Old Testament to see if Yahweh (God) commanded us to love each other in HIS Torah (1st Five Books of Old Testament). Let’s look at just a few Scriptures:

Leviticus 19: 18 “You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am YHWH (God)”

Leviticus 19: 34 “The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the YHWH (God) your Elohim.”

Deuteronomy 10: 18 “So show your love for the alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.”

As you can see this so called “NEW COMMAND” is not so new at all.  What you are seeing is that it is the first time Yeshua (Jesus) spoke it to HIS disciples.  Another note to take is that so many believe that Yeshua (Jesus) was loving and Yahweh (God) was mean.  NOT TRUE!!!  They are the same Spirit having the same character.  As you can see, the next verses talk about the same thing but they even state the command came  from the beginning.

2 John 1:5-6: “Now I ask you, lady, not as though I were writing to you a new commandment, but the one which we have had from the beginning, that we love one another. And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments. This is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, that you should walk in it.”

When you read something that says “from the beginning”, it is referring to HIS Torah (1st Five Books of Old Testament).  Those 1st Five books are divine instructions to us for moral living.  NOW take notice of the next verses.  John states once again loving your neighbor and each other has been around forever.

1 John 2:7-8: “Beloved, I am not writing a new commandment to you, but an old commandment that you have had from the beginning; the old commandment is the word that you have heard. On the other hand, I am writing a new commandment to you, which is true in Him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true Light is already shining.”

The only thing that has changed is we now have our Messiah.  The commands have always been there since the beginning but now they are truly understood through HaMashiach Yeshua (Messiah of Salvation) as HE is the Light of the world.  Why do so many teach we no longer have to follow the Torah (HIS Divine Instructions=Law=1st Five books of Old Testament)?  Our belief is the enemy has infiltrated the Church to steer us away from Yahweh (God) and HIS perfect Son Yeshua (Jesus=Spirit come in the Flesh).  In return this “off path” life steers us in the wrong directions, often leading us way far away from HIM.  The Torah (Divine Instructions = 1st Five Books of Old Testament) points us to moral living and towards our Messiah and when HE came he pointed us back to it, always teaching from it and quoting it.  So we had Yahweh (God) pointing us towards it.  All the Prophets pointing us towards it and our own Messiah pointing us towards it.  Why throw it out?

“Always Learning”
Biblical Truth

Romans 1:2

Did the “New Covenant” do away with the “Old Covenant”?  We have some studies that shows it didn’t.  Here is a pretty direct statement through Paul in Romans.

Romans 1:2  1 Paul, a servant of HaMashiach Yeshua , called to be an apostle, SET APART for the gospel of Yahweh , which he promised beforehand through his PROPHETS in the sacred text, concerning his Son, wh…o was descended from David according to the flesh  and was declared to be the Son of Elohim in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, HaMashiach Yeshua our Elohim, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the OBEDIENCE of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations, including you who are called to belong to Yeshua.

SO basically this says we as believers, like Paul, are called by HIM and “SET APART” to be OBEDIENT in our FAITH for HIS sake.  WE are supposed to be an example to all people.  We are not SET APART to become a huge religion, throw out HIS Torah and do things our way.  We are SET APART for the sake of HIS name and we are to obey ALL HIS commands.

Now look at this:  Psalm 106:7-8  Our fathers, when they were in Egypt, did not consider your wondrous works; they did not remember the abundance of your steadfast love, but rebelled by the sea, at the Red Sea.  Yet he saved them for HIS NAME’S SAKE,  that he might make known his mighty power.

HE has continually been saving us for HIS NAME’S SAKE since we came out of Egypt.  It’s our duty to return the favor.  Now is the time, not later.

“Always Learning”
Biblical Truth

Counting the Omer

OmerYou may be wondering what “Counting the Omer” is all about.    “Counting the Omer” is a count of the 50 days following the 1st Sabbath after the 3rd day of Pesach/Feast of Unleavened Bread that ends on Shavuot; yes it’s commanded. So to make this less confusing let’s start with Pesach, then count 3 days into the Feast of Unleavened Bread known as the day of First Fruits (Yeshua was the 1st Harvest for YHVH).  From that point we wait until the Sabbath (day of rest) arrives and the next day we start “Counting the Omer”.  It commemorates the day when he gave HIS believers the Ruach haKodesh. In the Greek language (Pente=50 & Cost=day). So literally the 50th day “after” the count started, which is the same as the counting 49 days (command is to count 7 Sabbaths) from the start of the count and then celebrate the commanded Feast Day the next day which is the 50th day (Leviticus 23:15-16).

Even though this celebration is called Feast of Weeks in English it doesn’t mean it is for a week.  It is a one day Feast celebration.  Notice the number 7 comes into this picture in the beginning of this command.  In the Hebrew, 7 is shevah. It is from the root  savah, to be full or satisfied, have enough of. 7 is a Messianic number tied to Yeshua.  By giving us the Ruach HaKodesh after we count 7 Sabbaths, HE satisfied us.  Not only is it the day we received the Ruach haKodesh,  legend has it that it is the exact day that Mosheh gave the Torah to the people at Mt. Sinai. Through our research we do not believe there is proof that is when the Torah was given to the people at Mt. Sinai but we also realize that everything Yahweh does revolves around HIS Feast Days so it could be true; we will teach the Torah part of this as not factual but plausible.  All we need to know is that on that day HE gave us a Helper as promised and that Helper is there to guide us.

“Always Learning”
Biblical Truth

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child; You won’t believe the TRUTH behind this

As time passes and we watch our children grow ever so fast we often reflect back and wonder if we have done things perfectly in raising them.  Well we will tell you being an imperfect parent makes us perfectly normal.  Over the last few months we have really started to struggle with how to raise our children.  cadeWe are not saying we don’t know what to do but we are merely just stating as we grow older we grow wiser and realize our parenting styles change.  We see our children’s unconditional love and sometimes we see their complete defiance to authority.  We have come to realize that we can’t raise one child the same as we do another child.  All children are unique in their own way and this forces us to change parenting strategies for each child.  We can have a basic platform for discipline and teaching but each child is going to learn in their own ways.  We have one child that will touch a hot stove after you tell him not to just to experience the consequence.  We have one child that will usually listen the first time we tell him something but sometimes gets to a point that he will shut down and not do anything we tell him.  We have yet another child that no matter what we say he has his own way of doing things that most of the time coincide with what we have taught yet he goes about it a different way making a few mistakes along the way but eventually getting to the same end result we taught.

This brings us to why we are posting this.  We were just doing a studying today and came across this verse in Proverbs about training a child (Proverbs 22:6).  We had our eyes opened by HIM today.  It is a very popular verse that is known by many and we have read this verse 100’s of times and never bothered to look at the underlying meaning behind it.

Let’s examine what we thought before this finding.  This (Proverbs 22:6) has often been taught that we, as parents and teachers, must train a child in Yahweh’s way so when they leave the house they won’t stray from HIS plan.  We have always believed it meant that if we set them on the correct path they will never turn their backs from Yahweh.  We have always believed that we must instill Yahweh’s way into them the exact same way every time.  Well, a deeper look into the Hebrew word meanings gives us a much different view of this verse.  We have to actually look at the Hebrew words used in this verse to truly understand what Yahweh was conveying to King Solomon.  We found that the (Proverbs 22:6) really means this.

Train (Hanak ) means to Start or Dedicate
Child (Naar) a lad, boy, or servant
In the way (towards)
he should go (direction)
and he will not depart (put aside, leave, turn away from)
from it (the teachings/the way)

In Hebrew the beginning of that verse looks like this:
hanok lana’ar al pi darko
In English, it says this” Train (start) a child according to his (Child’s) way.

There is a difference between the training of a child according to the child’s way and training him according to a way chosen by us as the parents. If we train a child in the ways that the child knows they will learn better.  All children have their own unique Elohim given talents.  They are unique in how they learn.  Look at it this way, Yahweh allows us to find HIM in the way we can understand.  While he expects us to follow HIS precepts and commands HE opens our eyes and ears to them at our pace.  By studying the Hebrew we are provided with additional insight into the Hebrew educational process.  If you look at today’s progressive schools they allow the child to learn in the way the child is most capable of doing.  This doesn’t mean, we as parents, can’t have a structured plan and guide them toward YeshuanarrowIt just means we have to allow them to learn the way their minds allows them to learn.  In life, there are many paths that you can take to get you to the same end.  Remember, we are told the path is wide but the gate is narrow (Matthew 7:13).  We have to teach our children to take the correct path.  That path will guide them to be in the world not of the world  (John 17:14).  You are probably as amazed as we were when we first learned this.  Here we are, moving along through life’s journey and trying to teach our children HIS way.  We need to teach our children HIS way but in a way as to allow the child to better understand it.  We are commanded, right here in Proverbs, to train up a child in the way the child wants to be trained.  The Hebrew has a emphasis on his way (The Child) not Yahweh’s way.  There isn’t a set “way” that works for every child.  Every child is different and must be taught in their way.  Think about this the next time you sit down with a child and try to teach them about the Gospel of Yeshua.  Always keep in mind that Yahweh and Yeshua want us to teach the children HIS Gospel in such a way that the child wants to learn it, not some predetermined set way we have developed.  Our children our precious to us and this world.  The more of them we put on the path with our Elohim the better the world will become.

“Always Learning”
Biblical Truth


Romans 15:1-4 (Paul supports “The Law”)

There are often times we are lead to believe that Paul was against the Torah.  We are often taught Paul meant the opposite of what he wrote and taught.  We have even heard people say they believe that Paul struggled with Torah so much that it was a internally perpetual battle to  him.  Many people often read Paul’s writings and twist them to show that the Torah no longer exists.  We are even warned about twisting Paul’s words by Peter as it was already happening around 64-68AD when he wrote this verse (2 Peter 3:16).  Think about that.  As much as we struggle sometimes with what Paul is talking about, they were already twisting his words in the first century.  Do you think Paul would teach against Torah at any point in his life?  Paul was a Torah observant Jewish leader; technically he was a Pharisee.  If you didn’t know, Paul came from a sect of Judaism called “THE WAY”.  He was a descendant from the Tribe of Benjamin and never walked with Yeshua.  He had a vision on the road to Damascus and was converted into Faith in Yeshua.  Up to the point of that vision, Paul, was a Pharisee.  He believed that those following the Messiah should all be captured and punished for Blasphemy against Yahweh.  We have a study showing that Torah is still alive today here.

This article is not about that though.  This article is just showing that Paul gives a strong supportive statement about Torah in (Romans 15:1-4).  Right off the bat Paul tells us to help those that are weak.  In fact, Paul says “we” which includes himself (Romans 15:1).  Paul is saying that we (anyone who is strong in Faith) are obligated to help the weak.  We have a moral obligation to give them our love and we must carry the weak for their lack of strength and be patient. We must make sure our actions do not cause others consciences to weaken.  This is one reason we have this website.  We don’t put this information out there to promote our knowledge.  We do it to maybe help someone find HIM and for those that have found HIM maybe they can get a deeper message from our research.  Think about it in a literal way.  Yeshua was much stronger in every way than HIS own disciples yet he was patient with their weaknesses and guided them into spiritual maturity.   Notice that Paul says that the disapproval of those that disapprove of us falls on Yeshua (Romans 15:3) as in our neighbors that get persecuted we should bear the persecution for them.  Keep that in mind.  Many will disapprove of us as believers.  Don’t let it bother you.  We as believers actually have to find solace in our persecution from others (Matthew 5:11-12).  We also have to realize we are not to persecute others.  We are to spread the Gospel and plant the seeds; HE will make them grow!!!  In (Romans 15:4) Paul tells us that the things that were written in the former days were for our instructions.  This is showing us that the “instructions – Torah” are good for us.  Do not believe people if they tell you that “old” things were done away with.  It is mentioned many times that the Torah is for our own good and we should follow it in Faith just like in (Romans 15:4)

“Always Learning”
Biblical Truth

2 Thessalonians 1:9 (Eternal separation not torment)

Did you know the scriptures state the worst thing to have happen to us is to be separated from Yahweh.  In fact, the scriptures state those who will die in the eternal fire will be separated from Yahweh forever (2 Thessalonians 1:9). We have spent quite some time researching the “eternal” torment teachings.  If faith in HIM gives us a promise of Eternal Life then we can’t have Eternal torment because that would contradict Eternal Life.  You either have eternal life or you don’t.  While Eternal Torment would be a horrible way to live the rest of eternity, if this was possible that would mean HE granted you Eternal Life away from HIM and that is not possible.  The only Eternal Life is with HIM.  Now we know you might be saying you were taught differently and we have also sat through sermons where the Pastor warns us of Eternal Torment but NOWHERE in the Bible does that theory hold true.

Modern physics tries to explain that our universe, in all of its vastness, is truly connected like a spider’s web.  All things are undivided and there is no “true” separation between anything in the universe.  While this may be true, there is one thing that can “truly” separate us from the universe and HIS name is YeshuaHE is the one true separator if you will.  On the other hand, HE is the one true combiner.  HE is LOVE.  We can avoid being separated by having Faith in HIM and follow in HIS commands.  We, as Christians, must put down the traditions of men that teach against HIS perfect Word.  We, as Christians, have to realize that 2000+ years of Religion has steered us away from HIS commands given to us.  These include the commands in the Old and Renewed Covenants.  We, as Christians, have to do as commanded and search through the scriptures like the Bereans did.  We, as Christians, can no longer allow Religion to change HIS plan.  Over the last 2000+ years all sorts of theologies and doctrines have been put in place by man just like the Pharisees did long ago.  We know what Yeshua thought of man’s rules.  Man has changed HIS ideology.  Man has changed HIS sacred text.  When we come across the few Christians that follow things like Feast Days or Dietary Law we often jump to a conclusion they are Messianic Jews or Legalistic Christians.  We feel that way because we have been taught by man to feel that way.  The 1st century church didn’t feel that way.  Paul didn’t feel that way. Yeshua didn’t feel that way.  In the end, the goal is to be united with HIM and not be separated. We achieve this by doing Bible things in Bible ways not man’s thing in man’s way.  If we don’t start doing things as commanded he won’t hear us anymore!!! (Proverbs 1:28-29)

“Always Learning”
Biblical Truth

Matthew 5:30 (Removing Sin from our lives)

Matthew 5:30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

Here we have Matthew showing us to try to remove as much sin as you can from your life.  Remember, we are told to KEEP HIS Commands and to never throw away HIS Torah.  In this verse we are shown that if your hand causes you to stumble then you should cut it off.  Right before this verse, Matthew tells us to gouge out our eye if it causes us to stumble and throw it out (Matthew 5:27).  How much clearer does he have to be?  He states that if something is causing us to sin then we have to remove it from our lives.  If we follow along in this belief we will work towards eliminating sin our entire lives as sin will always try to sneak its way in.  It’s a battle that will forever keep us strong in our Faith to HIM.  The only thing HE commands is to have Faith and follow HIS commands.  Don’t believe the hype that there are only ten commands.  We state this all the time but there are over 600+ commands in the Old Testament and 1050+ commands in the new and we are to follow them all.  Just thinking of doing something that would be considered a sin if physically done is sinning according to HIM as stated here (Matthew 5:28).

We can guarantee this.  When we think bad thoughts, those thoughts are not coming from HIM.  If we have Faith and HE has given us the Rauch HaKodesh (Holy Spirit/Set Apart Spirit) then those thoughts are not from us either.  Any bad thought you think comes from the advisary and believe us, we work hard to close our ears to the advisary on a daily basis.

“Always Learning”
Biblical Truth

Matthew 6:14 (How often should we forgive people)

Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Have you ever sat back and realized just how much forgiveness our Messiah gives us?  Have you ever sat back and realized that over and over again, HE continues to give us second chances?  Not only have we realized it but we also practice it.  How often do we get angry with people for something they did and never take the time to forgive them.  We must remember that we can not willfully sin against HIM though (Hebrews 10:26).  We must always remember to show mercy just as HE shows mercy to us.  If everybody in this world would have as much compassion as our Messiah has for us, we would never have evil amongst us  Now we know there are some verses that says the wrong doer must ask for forgiveness before we forgive as in this verse (Luke 17:3-4).  We feel that we don’t even need them to ask us to forgive them.  Who are we to decide their intentions behind the sin.  We don’t always know the motivation but we feel it is better to “take the high road”.  Just forgive them in the same way our Messiah forgives us (Matthew 18:21).  We don’t need to turn our backs on people just because they wronged us.  We don’t have to give up on people just because they sinned against us.  We just have to realize that those people are Yahweh’s people too.  They are flawed just like we are flawed and we have to work on ourselves before we start trying to work on the sins of others around us (Matthew 7:5).  Nobody in this world is perfect and we always must remember we need HIM to lead us.  We must remember it is not our privilege to forgive others; it is our duty.

“Always Learning”
Biblical Truth

Acts 15:19-21 (What is expected from Gentile Converts)

Well, this probably isn’t going to be what you were taught.  Again, we have to look at the context of what is being said.  According to Luke, this verse has to do with Gentile Converts and what was expected of them.  (Acts 15:19-21).  What was decided at this point was not what you think.  Luke wasn’t saying that the Gentile’s didn’t have to follow Torah. The Jerusalam Council decided that the Gentiles converts did not have to take on the full weight of the man-made laws of the Sages in order to be accepted within the Jewish community.  He was saying that they were required to put down the very Pagan practices that were being performed that Yahweh hated.  They were told they couldn’t continue on in those ways.  We will post the whole verse for a reference point but keep in mind that even Yahweh didn’t command anyone to follow the man-made Law.

Acts 15: 19 “Therefore, my opinion is that we should not put obstacles in the way of the Goyim who are turning to God. 20 Instead, we should write them a letter telling them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from fornication, from what is strangled and from blood. 21 For from the earliest times, Moshe has had in every city those who proclaim him, with his words being read in the synagogues every Shabbat.

The reason that was even talked about is because, during those times, the Jewish people where imposing their own man-made law onto Gentiles and Yahweh never said that should be done.  Our own Messiah came to expose that man-made law so HIS Torah could be reestablished.  We are often taught this verse to show that we, as Gentiles, aren’t required to follow HIS Torah.  Well, we know this is not true.  HIS Torah will set you free.  Man’s law will imprison you.

You might be saying, “What are you talking about”.  Well, let’s look at the last part of that verse.  It says: For from the earliest times, Moshe has had in every city those who proclaim him, with his words being read in the synagogues every Shabbat.”  This last part of that verse is our clue into what was being said.  It is basically saying that Mosheh has had followers all throughout time that taught and still teach in the Synagogues every Sabbath.  We are being shown that we shouldn’t worry that the Gentiles won’t become Torah observant because once they start coming to Temple they will learn HIS Torah and follow its commands.  What is truly being said is to not completely turn away all the hopeful converts with a bunch of rules because they are so far from Yahweh they won’t even listen.  Luke was telling them to demand the Gentiles do a few basic things at first and then when they come to learn in the Temple, they will then learn the Torah and follow it as Yahweh and Yeshua commands.  That is why it says that from the beginning of times, there are followers of Mosheh that TEACH in the Temple on Sabbath.  Those followers were there to teach new converts and believers to follow Torah as we are commanded to do as shown here in Acts.

Acts 13:42-52   As they went out, the people begged that these things might be told them the next Sabbath. And after the meeting of the synagogue broke up, many Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas, who, as they spoke with them, urged them to continue in the grace of God. The next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord. But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and began to contradict what was spoken by Paul, reviling him. And Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly, saying, “It was necessary that the word of God be spoken first to you. Since you thrust it aside and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold, we are turning to the Gentiles. For so the Lord has commanded us, saying,
“‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles,
    that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’”
And when the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord, and as many as were appointed to eternal life believed. And the word of the Lord was spreading throughout the whole region.  But the Jews incited the devout women of high standing and the leading men of the city, stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and drove them out of their district. But they shook off the dust from their feet against them and went to Iconium. And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit .

Notice that the new Converts were being taught the Torah on the Sabbath.

Quick tidbit:  We used the term Gentile a few times just so most can understand whom is being talked about.  The word Gentile never appears in the Bible. (really, it doesn’t…Go GOOGLE it and see..crazy huh?)  The word orginally used was from the Hebrew word Goy, or Goyim.  This just means “other nation/nations that weren’t Israelites.  Makes you wonder why most Christians say, “I am a Gentile, I don’t have to follow those Old Rules”….  EVERYONE is a Gentile unless you are a blood descendant and if you look around today, many practicing Jews no longer follow Yahweh’s Torah The word Gentile/Gentiles comes from a Latin word which basically means “ONE WHO IS NOT A ROMAN CITIZEN.” It originally meant Family/Clan in Latin.  It was an attempt to translate the word Goy or Goyim using their own language which in return loses it’s meaning when translated to English.  If you use the word correctly, then you would have to say that Yeshua and His twelve disciples were all Gentiles, because none of them were a Roman Citizen.  Ahhh…but Paul would not be a Gentile then because he was a Roman citizen…  Whoooooops… Got off on a tangent again. 

“Always Learning”
Biblical Truth